Photo by Kazuky Akayashi on Unsplash

Days before the COVID-19 lockdown started, I took my family to the Lion and Safari Park in South Africa (where we currently live). And it was amazing!

Our guide, named Dusty, blew our minds with her encyclopedic knowledge of animals especially the big cats. When observing the lions, Dusty asked us to focus on the white fury streak underneath their eyes. She explained the white fur provides lions with nature’s own version of night vision goggles.

The white fur reflects the moon’s light into the lion’s eyes at night which then widens their pupils like a camera lens in low light. When the pupils open wider, more light enters their eyes giving them better visibility or night vision.

Did you know humans and lions have nearly identical visibility during the day? But at night, lions see 8 times better than humans. Being nocturnal, they are most active at night and that’s when they do most of their hunting.

That’s me with some sleepy cubs. They sleep 14 hours per day. It was impossible to wake them.

The world is a different place today due to the deadly spread COVID-19. My grandmother asked me if these are the “end times”.  Some are comparing this situation to those movies about deadly virus outbreaks. And many people are just overcome with fear, confusion, depression, and anxiety not about catching the virus, but more to do with their futures and finances.

The situation is dark; I’m not going to say otherwise. Even the experts don’t really know when this will end and or when a cure will be found.

We Need Vision To Overcome

There’s one thing I do know. We will come through it.  One of the most amazing things about human beings– which separates us from animals– is not just our ability to survive dark times but our capability to OVERCOME during the worst of circumstances.  

Did you know there’s a big difference between surviving and overcoming?

The dictionary defines ‘overcome’ as “to get the better of a struggle or conflict; conquer; defeat,” but surviving is defined as “existing or being alive.” In my book, I wrote a chapter titled “Choosing to Overcome” where I wrote,

“It’s not just about surviving failures and tough experiences and moving on to whatever’s next. Surviving is not enough.”

This situation with COVID-19 is one where surviving is not good enough. We need more than a survivor mindset. We need vision to overcome.

But, who overcomes?

I’ve noticed it’s the people who are intentional. When it comes to life’s dark days and unforgiving adversity those circumstances either destroy you or you overcome them. There is no tie and there’s no trophy for participation.

Adversity can bring out the best in us, but also the worst. Personal development expert, Jim Rohn explains why this happens so simply when he said,

We generally change ourselves for one of two reasons: inspiration or desperation.”

You can’t overcome by chance or by remaining neutral.  COVID-19 has given us the opportunity or maybe forced us to become intentional about life and essential.  And now just because life punched you in the face it doesn’t mean you have an excuse to give up, binge on Netflix every day all day, or live like victims.

In the words of Mike Tyson,

“Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the mouth.”

Image courtesy of
Mike Tyson knocking out an opponent. Image courtesy of

Be Intentional With Your 3 T’s

Now is a great time to maximize our 3 T’s:

-We can choose to invest our TIME instead of just spend it or “kill it”.

-We can be intentional about how we use our TALENTS (creativity, energy, intellect, etc).

-We can be more aware about how we invest our TREASURES (money, resources and relationships).

This is all about living on purpose and re-starting those dreams, life goals, and plans we put to the side when we started adulting or got punched in the face. COVID-19 is a wake-up call.  

But to thrive, we have to be intentional about coming out of this dark hole in a better situation than when we started.

During one of the many times that Dusty blew mind on the tour she explained that like lions, humans have night vision too. After giving her a doubtful look, she said that while perusing her studies in animal conservation the students were taken on long walks through the game parks in complete darkness so they could learn how to see at night.

At first, she was skeptical, but with practice, she said she learned how to do it and now has some visibility in total darkness. Humans, she elaborated, have lost that sense because we’ve become so dependent on artificial light. We don’t know we have that ability because we don’t need it she explained.  

(By the way, I Googled this night vision thing for humans Dusty said and found a lot of research that backs this up. It’s true!)

Like the lion, wouldn’t it be amazing if we had night vision and could become most active during the darkest time?

Well, we can.

We Need Night Vision To See Through the Darkness

In order for us to overcome during the darkest of times, we need night vision or the ability to have unwavering vision, focus, and drive during times of chaos and crushing adversity. I’ve been talking about the importance of vision for leaders for a long time, but that’s not enough.

We need night vision.

All of this reminds me of Ghandi’s quote,

“Be the change you want to see.”

Actor John Krasinski took it upon himself to start a YouTube channel called Some Good News. Why? Because he wanted to use time, talents, and treasures to be the change he wanted to see.

Use this time in the hole (quarantine/lockdown) to go back to your vision boards, list of dreams and goals. And if you don’t have any goals or plans, make them up. You got anything better to do right now? 🙂

Look for ways to be of service to those around you. You don’t need anyone’s permission to make a small impact. And you don’t have to change the world. But maybe you can make an impact in your home or in your community.

With night vision we can see past COVID-19 and see opportunities to be helpful and productive all around us.

Don’t let the dark cloud your vision; instead, use it as an advantage. One of my favorite Bible scripture says, “Teach us Lord to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” In other words, when we accept how short our lives are, we spend more of our time on the stuff that really matters.

At the end of each episode of Krasinski’s “Some Good News” show, he closes with this reminder,

“No matter how tough life can get there’s always good in the world.”

So, how’s your night vision right now? Can you find opportunities wherever you are?

If you need help becoming more intentional or need a break from Netflix check out my book’s print version or the audio version (my favorite).

And if you need some travel goals add the Lion and Safari Park to your list and make sure you ask for Dusty to give you a tour. This place is AMAZING and we can’t wait to return!

Lion Park Safari
The lions get pretty close to the vehicles. Sometimes the males spray the trucks with their urine to send messages to the other lions in the park.
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