“Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out.”

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr

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Start Dreaming Again

Start Dreaming Again


Where Do Dream Begin

Remember when you used to dream about your bright future? I know it sounds like a corny question, but hear me out. Children are dreamers at heart. They dream of playing professional sports, they dream of flying to space, they dream of singing, and they dream of whatever comes to mind at the moment. (more…)

Book Writing Project – Update 1

I heard everyone has at least one book in them. This year I want to see if that’s true.  In January of this year I decided that writing a book would be my big, hairy, audacious goal (BHAG) for 2015. I’ve committed myself to doing this no matter what. When I first got the idea of writing a book, which came from a friend, Farnoosh Brock, I was shocked, scared and intimidated. (more…)

4 Resources To Help You Focus (Part 4)

4 Resources To Help You Focus (Part 4)

Tiger in Bangkock

This is the last post in this four part series on focus.

If you read first three you are a wild BEAST!

Can I share something that scares me?

One of my biggest fears in my life is to work somewhere I hate when I’m elderly. I have a specific job in mind, but I won’t say what it is out of respect for people doing that work now.

Let’s just say I don’t want to be in that situation. And I’m sure the majority of the people in that job don’t want to be there either. Do you think an 80-year-old person who should enjoying his retirement wants to have crappy job? No freaking way! (more…)