On Taking Action

On Taking Action

Last month I decided to start blogging. For most people this isn’t a big deal, but for me it is since the thought of sharing my ideas and thoughts scares me–big time. I don’t consider myself a writer. In fact, I don’t like writing; I prefer public speaking. But I started this blog to finally take quick action.

No more excuses.

For a long time, but especially these past two years, I’ve been inspired by dozens of stories from people who are doing extraordinary things. My favorite stories are about people who started their own podcasts, blogs, businesses, online platforms, and even charities.

But I reached the point where I grew tired of siting on the bench watching other people score. It’s time for me to get in the game.  I realized that life is not meant to be lived on the sidelines.

The element that all those personal stories I follow have in common is ACTION.  Each one of those individuals  overcame some fear/resistance. They took one step, then another, and then another… But they ALL started with that first step. They made mistakes along the way and then continually adjusted along the way. I can do that too, right?

You can’t do anything without taking Action – even if it’s just one tiny step.  Sometimes I feel the king of inaction. I bought the domain andresvaldes.com over a year ago and I never took real action out of fear and waiting for the perfect idea or ideal moment to start. (I have three kids so it’s not like I was just home chillin’.) And now after all that time I realize that the perfect time will never come. The perfect moment is when we decide to take aggressive action towards our dreams and goals.

I’m starting with a short post, so that I don’t get stuck over thinking my words and my image. I know this because what was supposed to be my first post was so long and complex that it has taken me over a month to write.  And when I finished, it seemed so fake I scrapped it.

So let me start with something simple and authentic. Let’s keep it real. I’m learning that simplicity and authenticity is they key to a lot of things.

Wish me luck on this journey of self-discovery (and learning the tech side of a blog.) Or better yet, join me, but either way I’m here if you need help.